The Green List has a zero-tolerance for illegal listings or prescription products.

Become a Cannabis Writer

We're looking for some creative writers with excellent knowledge of cannabis and the industry to help us publish articles on cannabis culture, history, business and news. If you'd like to have your name published on the Green List on featured articles and even be paid for press releases, business interviews, and culture reports... get in touch! 

Are we looking for you?

For a limited time we're "higher-ing" a few creative writers to help us build a grass-roots online hub where we can publish on cannabis topics which you're interested in or experienced at. If you have some cannabis insights which you think the community will be interested in and want to share it with the cannabis community, fill in the form below to see if we can work together. This will be a great opportunity for some passionate writers to make a name for themselves in the cannabis industry. To prove that you've read these instructions, use the password 'goodreader' below. 



We're looking for people who have been part of the cannabis movement for more than 5 years and understand the complex and fascinating cannabis scene in Australia. It's essential to understand the history of the movement and recent legalisation.



Writers are storytellers and artists who have creative angles on old and new stories alike. If you can keep the attention of readers for 500 words and are passionate about cannabis, we'ed love to hear about your particular area of interest. 



Do you have an interesting insight on cannabis culture, business, events, or politics? The Green List is a unique place to share your persepective much further than your social media posts, and educate the diverse cannabis world.

Apply now

Use the form below to see if you're a match for our cannabis writing team.

Cannabis Writer

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