The Green List has a zero-tolerance for illegal listings or prescription products.


Your service here

 200 Elizabeth Street, Sydney 2018, Sydney, Sydney - Map Directions

Old price:
$ 125.00
$ 65.00
1 February 2018 - 12 December 2020 1 February 2018 12 December 2020
Retail Products

48.0% OFF

Business Details
The Green List

Rather than just listing your standard products or services, you should instead offer a special deal with a discounted price or limited time offer. This will help customers to find your company and also click through to your website to find the rest of your products and services. By listing a special offer, you can get the attention of customers and turn them into loyal repeated buyers. Consider deals that are greater than 10% discount, bundle items together into a pack, or offer to give a free product if they purchase your hero product. We provide the ability to list coupons which can have expiry dates and match the deals on your own website for inbound sales. This is a win-win for the customer, as they get a great deal, and you get a new customer. You can upload multiple photos and multiple products which are listed throughout The Green List. Customers can contact your company directly through our site, or you can refer them to your own website. 

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