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Results 1 - 4 of 4

1. Hydroponic Solutions

We source products that make growing all sorts of plants a breeze, using hydroponics or soilless gardening, as we also like to call it. The reasons behind the methods used for this type of horticulture are many; convenience, sustainability,… 
Perth, WA

2. Spectrah Grow Lights

Next-gen Horticulture in LED Grow Lights 
Sandringham, VIC

3. Grow Wild Hydroponics

We service everyone from experienced commercial growers, to horticulture enthusiasts who seek to indulge in the do-it-yourself projects and everything in between. 
Forrestdale, WA

4. Indicated Technology

Our expert team at Indicated Technology has 30+ combined years of experience in the hydroponic sector. We pride ourselves on advanced knowledge of the latest technological innovations and production horticulture initiatives. 
South Australia, Lonsdalle
