The Green List has a zero-tolerance for illegal listings or prescription products.
March 7th Highlights
- Medical Cannabis in Thailand - In Thailand, cannabis-based drugs are used for the palliative care of cancer patients and other indications. nearly one million (996,743) patients were reported to have taken cannabis-based drugs in Thailand last year. In Thailand. the price of cannabis used as an ingredient in modern medicines is estimated to be between 153 ($6.51 AUD) and 744 ($31.68 AUD) Bahts per gram, based on the price set in other countries. Reference data
- The Quality Cannabis Loophole - New Zealand cannabis companies are currently being impacted by a loophole system that provides an exemption allowing all authorized prescribers to “procure the supply of any medicine”; including approved and unapproved medicines. Among other things, it allows an authorized prescriber to obtain a medicine by direct importation (without having to adhere to GACP and GMP). GACP and GMP are globally recognized standards that ensure cultivators and manufacturers produce cannabis to the highest quality standard for patient use. Australian companies face a similar issue with imported products and compounding pharmacies. Currently, businesses can export cannabis to Australia without GACP and GMP, furthermore compounding pharmacies can also use cannabis material that does not adhere to these standards. These loopholes undermine the framework and have been designed to protect patients and guarantee quality products.
- The Importance of Label Claims - I found this article fascinating - a new study found one third (38%) of the "strongest" cannabis strains in Israel contain less than 15% THC. I’ve spoken with several Israeli cannabis companies and commonly get asked for flower material 20% +. Patients believe they are consuming products that are stronger than what is actually being shown on test results. This raises a concern about label claims. In Germany, there have been multiple products recalled due to incorrect label claims (products not meeting specifications as outlined on the label). Label claim is very important as it indicates to patients exactly what they are using to treat themselves.
Changing the cannabis conversation - a note from Richard Brandson
Jay-z’s cannabis brand challenges the hypocrisies of cannabis legislation
A new observational study focusing on cannabis for PTSD treatment has been approved
Cannabis could generate 8 billion Baht for Thailand
One-third of Canadian cannabis users consumed more during pandemic
Graph from NDSHS data showing increasing use of cannabis among older adults