The Green List has a zero-tolerance for illegal listings or prescription products.

April 4th Highlights

  • Data is the King of Doctors - THE UK’s first National Health Service patients registry started collating data on the 1st of April (no joke) in a significant move for medical cannabis to be more accessible in the country. An information registry for doctors in Australia would serve an important, useful and similar purpose. Providing doctors the means to access relevant patient data will support clinical decisions. The downstream effect is better/safer access for patients and local businesses grow - a win-win if I don’t say so myself.
  • Great Stat Regarding Germanies Growing Cannabis Industry - Medical prescription of cannabinoids has been in place in Germany since 2017 amendments to the country’s Narcotics Act. Since that time the supply of cannabis-containing medical products expanded rapidly, with spending on such therapies in the SHI (public health insurance system) estimated at more than €150 million in 2020. That’s drastically up from €27 million in 2017; €73.5 million in 2018; and €123 million in 2019 - reference The Medical Cannabis Network report.
  • The Importance of Regulation of Quality - This week, one of the UK's leading payment providers informed 100 of it’s CBD suppliers they must provide evidence of Novel Food Submission or be removed from the platform. The enforcement of these requirements by companies ensures consumers are receiving a consistent quality product. A similar set of standards/registration requirements are set to be introduced in Australia for unregistered cannabis medicines - a program similar to countries like New Zealand and Germany.

Medicinal cannabis sales on track to double in 2021

Medicinal cannabis and chronic pain: absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

ECS Botanics has signed its fourth medicinal cannabis supply agreement

Emyria and Cann Group ink deal to fast track over-the-counter CBD registration

Cann Global begins importing Canntab cannabis pills to Australia

Botanix Pharmaceuticals granted ethics approval for rosacea study

Health Canada blames Covid for delays to Australian supply
