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Melbourne Melbourne
alternaleaf Melbourne Melbourne 1 05 1


Business Details

We are empowering patients to make their own educated decision on medical cannabis for their situation.

alternaleaf are the leaders in cannabis care. We empower you to consider medical cannabis as an alternative to conventional medicines by connecting you to our team of expert doctors and care team. We offer telehealth consultation which can be done from anywhere in Australia.

We understand that discussing alternative treatment options with your doctor is not always an easy conversation. Our doctors have consulted with thousands of Australian’s and can determine if medical cannabis is right for you and provide streamlined access.

alternaleaf patient get access to:

Individualised, empathetic, non-judgemental care and convenience at every step.
Leading team of Authorised Prescribers
Dedicated patient care team to support you
Wide range of brands prescribed
Consults from the comfort of your home, from anywhere in Australia
Online ordering and personalised patient portal
Competitive and transparent pricing

Find out if medical cannabis is for you:


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  • Alternaleaf


    I could not contact anyone after some random took my credit card details over the phone. Eventually it turned up at a pharmacy 3 weeks later. The pharmacist had no idea what was going on or how I was supposed to take it. I'll be asking for a different band from a doctor I trust this time!
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