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  • Other
  • Australian Medicinal Cannabis Association

Australian Medicinal Cannabis Association

Thornleigh 2120, NSW

Business Details

Our strength is in our breadth

AMCA is a registered not-for-profit organisation that has been endorsed for its charitable status by the Australian Tax Office (effective 16 June 2020).

AMCA provides the formal framework of an association to assist committed individuals and organisations to steer the industry in a positive direction. With a focus on positive problem solving, and by prioritising, planning and targeting our actions, we believe we can multiply the impact and make a difference, together.

AMCA's Board and Ambassadors include many of the pioneers of the Australian Medicinal Cannabis space. These pioneers have worked tirelessly to make small but important inroads into what has been a complicated, and often overburdened, regulatory space.

AMCA's belief is that it is essential to have a broad mix of members with a wide set of skills, in order to meet the needs of each facet of the complex medicinal cannabis industry. After just one year, AMCA has realised its aim to unite more than 150 individuals and organisations from across the sector, from patients and their healthcare professionals to industry and its affiliates.
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