The Green List has a zero-tolerance for illegal listings or prescription products.


Cannabis Clothing Australia

Rathmines NSW

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Dope clothes at dope prices!

What’s there about us? Oh, I know. We are the peoples people. We are the voice that is unheard. We are the crew with a dream. Our vision is locked and we are focussed on the IMPORTANT matter at hand. You all know what it is, “the terms” that dictates what we can and can’t do. We all know the monster that the machine (system) created!

We’ve long lost our god given rights! (btw we’re not religious, just a figure of speech) but you know? We don’t truly own the land we live on, we’re “governed” controlled by the outdated politics and attitudes of parliament, we can’t even heal ourselves from using what MOTHER NATURE has provided us for free.

Some say corporations, religion and even the pharmaceutical companies are to blame. There’s plenty of talk about how prescription drugs are worse for you in the long run but they still sell it. Tobacco is the leading cause of lung cancer but they STILL sell it – with an increasing price each year to deter smokers from the act but this is just ludicrous. The Australian government raised 17 billion dollars in 2020 alone just on tobacco sales but has it shown a reduction in tobacco consumption?
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