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  • Organisations
  • Industrial Hemp Western Australia Association Inc.

Industrial Hemp Western Australia Association Inc.

Margaret River South West WA


Business Details

iHempWA - working together to create a green new world

Our vision is to establish, develop and support a sustainable
and prosperous hemp industry for Western Australia; and

To foster the growing awareness of hemp, revealing
the true nature of Cannabis sativa, its ancient and modern
history, the vast array of uses and products that can be
made from hemp and its potent economical, ecological and
ethical value; and

To represent, the best interests, of our members
and all Western Australian hemp industry stakeholders,
farmers, processors, manufacturers, retailers and consumers;

To build mutually beneficial, collaborative working
relationships with existing local, state and national public
agencies, private investors and other organisations with
common values to realise our vision.

Join iHempWA today follow us on facebook - Industrial Hemp Western Australia Association Inc.
Incorporated 4 August 2015 A1019234F - ABN 83228554107


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