The Green List has a zero-tolerance for illegal listings or prescription products.

Results 1 - 4 of 4

1. Australian Institute of Medical Cannabis AIMC

Australian Institute for Medical Cannabis (AIMC), is a not-for-profit research organisation committed to open science research into medicinal cannabis, building awareness and sharing knowledge 
Narrabeen, NSW

2. Industrial Hemp Association of South Australia

IHASA was established by Teresa McDowell, owner of Hemp Hemp Hooray, as a not-for-profit Association to promote a hemp industry in South Australia and the use of hemp products. 
Mount Barker, SA

3. Industrial Hemp Western Australia Association Inc.

iHempWA is a public not-for-profit incorporated association and the peak state industry body for industrial hemp. 
Margaret River, South West WA

4. Australian Medicinal Cannabis Association

AMCA is a registered not-for-profit charitable organisation. Its mission is to unite and empower committed individuals and organisations to ensure that Australia’s medicinal cannabis system is world class and patient focused. 
Thornleigh, NSW
